On this page you will find some information on myself, my work as a motion-picture director, writer and lecturer and you can view trailers from my films.
From spring 2025, the Volkswagen Foundation will be funding my MEDIAG project as part of the ‘Change! Fellowship’ programme. The programme is scheduled to run for 4.5 years. Thanks to my team (Katrin v. Kap-herr, Tim Augurzke and the Film University)! Telling the story of change: Transmedia storytelling as a catalyser for sustainable transformation processes in the agricultural sector (MEDIAG).
With the help of a participatory transmedia approach, positions in the transformation process of sustainable agriculture. Affected experts (e.g. farmers) and researchers from the field of agricultural science first reflect on their own needs and solutions for current problem areas in agriculture against the background of climate change using various formats and media (e.g. videos, interviews, articles, podcasts, augmented and virtual reality, blogs, social media entries, photos, etc.) in order to arrive at joint solutions in a further step through joint, equally diverse media productions. Cooperative transmedia format production should therefore at best also lead to content-related cooperation on sustainable agriculture. Media production thus serves here as a catalyst for relevant cooperation in the management of transformation processes. The aim is to investigate which media formats, types of collaboration and which knowledge transfer design are effective for the independent production of the circles involved in order to resolve opposing positions and enable joint approaches to solutions, to place and evaluate these in a way that is effective for the public and ultimately to make the concept usable for other disciplines of science communication. disciplines.
Based on the manuals by Linda Hagspiel, André Nebe and Katrin von Kap-herr, "FilmClique" and "ClassroomFilms" (see below), the platform www.classroomfilms.de has now gone online. The platform is currently being tested.
Film and media lessons for an entire school year (approx. 57 lessons of 45 minutes each) are now even easier, as teachers can now access all teaching materials and over 30 instructional videos at one address. In addition, virtual classrooms can be set up and student videos can be easily uploaded.
Further information on the platform's range of functions can be foundhere.
Two manuals by Linda Hagspiel, André Nebe and Katrin von Kap-herr, "FilmClique" and "ClassroomFilms, each offer an elaborated teaching concept that optimally adapts content, learning objectives and teaching methods to everyday school life and the respective age group. They were scientifically developed and practically tested within the framework of a BMBF-funded project.
Film and media lessons for an entire school year (approx. 57 school lessons of 45 minutes each) are thus easily made possible. Elaborated lesson plans with suitable teaching methods, templates, worksheets and online references to clips and presentations help to considerably reduce the effort of lesson preparation.
As part of the BMBF-funded WIR project PRINA, new films were made in the summer of 2022. Pupils from a grammar school in Joachimsthal and a primary school in Templin made films about an innovative field robot and the use of mules in forestry under my project management. Beforehand, an eight-month film workshop was integrated into the lessons at the schools:
My podcast with Petra Kappler is online. In the first two episodes we chat about the eternal dilemma between the sexes. The third episode, which we'll upload on the Whitsun weekend, is about change. "Chic and beautiful" deals with everything that has come between us in life, sometimes cheerful and sometimes serious.
Under my direction, the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF has developed new film formats for innovative projects in the region of Uckermark, Barnim and Uecker-Randow as part of the alliance "Region 4.0". The film clips are all about unique innovations and projects that are planned or already to be found in this region. The formats are very different: from classic reports, informative quiz clips to podcasts and music videos, everything is included. The topics are as varied as the formats. For example, if you want to know how robots and drones bring sugar beet back to the Uckermark, why free-range cattle protect the climate, what secret places you can discover in Oderberg or how bicycle inner tubes can be ordered by bus, you can find out everything here:
After almost two years of further training and four months of signatures, the time has come: I have been awarded the certificate for university teaching by the Minister of Science, Research and Culture of Brandenburg.
The German ministry of education and science funds the joint-project "Regionalisierung 4.0". As head of participatory and interactive storytelling I took part in the project for the Filmuniversity Potsdam-Babelsberg. This little film that deals with a region north of Berlin (Uckermark) I directed: (YouTube-Link):
At the Filmuniversity Babelsberg I take over the position as Head of participatory and interactive storytelling for the joint project Regionalization 4.0.
My doctorate which dealt with "Structure of audio-visual humor in successful children’s films" obtained the grade "magna cum laude" at the Filmuniversity Potsdam-Babelsberg. I thank my mentor, Prof. Claudia Wegener, and the chairman of the examining board, Prof. Conrad Heberling, for the support, the fair procedure and the encouraging result.
Following my PhD-thesis I'm giving a lecture at the Conference of the Int. Society for Humor Studiens in Dublin, Trinity University: ‘Laughing in complex ways: Structure of audio-visual humor in successful children’s films’.
Almost all 24 actors, directors and crew-members celebrated the premier of "The Golden Cup" in the cinema of the German Film Institute in Frankfurt/Main. During a workshop a whole school class developed and shot the film with my help during the last six months.
We did it! 24 kids acted and helped out in front and behind the camera during my workshop. Premiere of the little film "The golden cup" will be in July '15 in the Cinema of the German Filmmuseum, Frankfurt/Main.
The 2nd part of my workshop in collaboration with the German Film Institute in Frankfurt/Main has been a good piece of work. After the kids of class 5cG of the Geschwister-Scholl-Schule developed a film story in part I we now shot some layout-scenes. A reading for 180 kids was also part of the package and left me with a husky voice...
In the field of media science I published an essay: Preferences of kids as a guide for definitions and age recommendations for kid's films (German title: Kinder an die Macht! Bedürfnisse von Kindern als Maßstab der Definition und Altersempfehlung von Kinderfilmen). In: Janning, Jürgen/Pecher, Claudia Maria/Richter, Karin (eds.): Erzählen im Prozess des gesellschaftlichen und medialen Wandels. Baltmannsweiler, 2015. p. 253-287. ISBN: 978-3-8340-1420-7.
At the German Film Institute and in collaboration with the int. kid's filmfestival LUCAS, Franfurt a.M., I'm leading a tripartite workshop. Kids learn how to write a script and produce their own film. Titel: "Tell me your story - storytelling through visualizing - kids develop stories in a playful way".
For the public broadcaster SWR I shot again for the kids serials 'Motzgurke TV' and 'Tigerentenclub'. This time we went to the Ozeaneum in Stralsund, to the Sea-Rescue-Service at Warnemünde and to the museum of technology, Berlin. Broadcasting dates are in spring 2015.
State chancellery of Thuringia funds the development of my script for the movie-project "Der Goldscheisser" based on the novel "Der kleine Hinz" by Bernd Hagemann. Production company: makido Film Weimar, Wien.
For the public broadcaster SWR I finished shootings for the kids serials 'Motzgurke TV' and 'Tigerentenclub'. Broadcasting dates are in May and August 2014.
Today I finished shooting for SWR Motzgurke TV. "A day without your mobile-phone" was the theme of a story about three kids tyring to find each other in Berlin without their cell-phones.
In the Mediterranean Sea of Turkey I've just finished principal photography for the serial pilot of "One Boat - Two Captains". The buddy-comedy ist set in the world of travel-journalists. More information coming soon.
My kids-novel serial "The Ghostriders" ("Die Geisterreiter" - german WT) is now under contract to publishing house Baumhaus, a division of Bastei Lübbe. Representaton by Agency Barbara Küper.
The general assembly of the FERA (European Federation for national associations of television and cinema directors) has elected me again to the board in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The geeneral meeting of the Director's Guild Of Germany re-elected me for the third time for the board. In the next two years I'll mainly take care of the newcomer's section and European matterns.
Since December 2010 I'm writing fpr the successfull ZDF serial Löwenzahn. My first screenplay goes into production during summer 2012. Until early next year I'm wrting on my second screenplay.
The general assembly of the FERA (European Federation for national associations of television and cinema directors) has elected me to the board in Rom, Cinecitta. FERA fights for the filmdirectors' rights in Europe.
On October, 1st I take part in a panel-discussion upon 'National identities in current kid's film productions' at the 15. Kids-Filmfestival Schlingel, Chemnitz. Host: Klaus-Dieter Felsmann.
„A timeless beautiful kids’ movie, that impresses with a simple story and refreshing young characters.“
„A warm-hearted, social restrained but very precisely told story about the power of dreams, loss and the cleverness of the weak ones.“
Leipziger Volkszeitung 29.10.09
„A racy adventure in front of a beautiful natural setting that shows that its worth fighting for your dreams even when there are stumbling blocks in your way. Suspensfull for grown ups and little ones. Especially eyecatching: the amazing soapboxes.“
B.Z. 29.10.09
"Real life with real characters- a bitter-sweet family film from Irleand that shows that life can be unfair but you never should give up."
Bild 29.10.09
"A beautiful film about small disappointments, big dreams and fast soapboxes."
Freie Presse 29.10.09
"It is the power of the film that it does not bet on the simple happy ending but shows that conflict between parents is not always resolved in a child’s sense and that there are sudden decisions to be made."
epd film
„„The Race“ is most convincing when it suggests the parental and children’s worlds are equal yet distinct, standing side by side. Where kids’ movies often try to get a distance from the grown up characters, director André F. Nebe instead manages very well in his debut movie, guiding his young heroes through the family and social reality without losing the fun and adventure.“
Hamburger Abendblatt 29.10.09
"The Berlin based director André F.Nebe is in his feature film debut more interested in a multi-layer storyline than with cracking action. His film not only tells the story of Mary’s charming race preperation, but it also aim contemplative tones. Thanks to the appealing cast and the multi-layered storylines contrasting fun and melancholy, The Race is a traditional kidsmovie and a recommendation for visitors from 8 on."
Nibelungen Kurier 24.10.09
"Certainly in the foreground of the movie is a great race with the soapboxes and it is done with suspense right up to the great finale of the movie. But the filmmaker let swing ably in front of the eye of the audience and tells on the side a serious and informative story about the problems that most kids are confronted with at one time or other. They learn this in The Race without preaching."
taz Bremen, 29.10.09
"Director André F Nebe tells the story of an outsider who has to overcome obstacles and prejudice. The dreams of the girl are contrasted to the divorce of the parents. The conciliation between father and daughter is a touching moment in this convincing film with its exciting race. A movie that is not avoiding the problems of kids and grown ups. Loaded with hope, the film has a go-cart race, where winning or losing is in the foreground but true friendship is more important."
zitty Berlin, 28.10.09
"Despite some amusing parts, André F. Nebe’s feature film debut is not a comedy. It shows kids and their parents living complicated lives the way it often is."
Preproduction of my feature-film "The Race" (Script by Rowan O' Neill) has begun. Shooting will take place on locations in Ireland and Northern Ireland 'till November 2008.
German Cinema screens a Best-of of the so called "Next Generation"- films of the last 10 years in Cannes. My film "Tricky Fingers" will be screened on Sunday, 20th of May. German Cinema
On Mai 30th is the premiere of my latest shortfilm which was produced in collaboration with the GG19-project. "The Hero Of The Hour" will be screened in the presence of the german minister of culture Bernd Neumann. www.gg19.de
Premiere "The Hero Of The Hour" with Josef Ostendorf und Peter Jordan Wednesday, 30th of Mai, 7pm Cinestar - Kino in der Kulturbrauerei Schönhauser Alle 36 10435 Berlin
The Northern Ireland Film And Television Commission (NIFTC) has decided to support the development of the project THE RACE, which I'll direct. Screenplay writer is Rowan O' Neill. Tucano Film
The Mediaboard Berlin-Brandenburg Film Commission has decided in its meeting from the 10th of November to support the development of my screenplay DUENDE. See also: Tucano Film
Together with Felicitas Milke, Dirk Morgenstern and Rowan O' Neill I founded the Tucano Film GbR. Our scriptpool includes a dozen screenplays for the movie-theatre-, TV- and "direct-to-DVD"-market which we'd like to realize with co-production partners. www.tucanofilm.com
Brigitte Zypries, minister of justice, about my film "Final Credits Or The Hero Of The Hour": "The already realised episode of article 18 of the german constitution which I recently had the pleasure to watch was a very good piece. It is highly credible in matterns of its craft and subject and makes the audience reflect about our constitution."
The Studios Int./Höfgen supported me for a second time with a scholarship. In the last six weeks I've been working on the treatment for "Astronaut" and on my debut-novell "Ex".
For the second time one of my films - "The Exam" - is nominated by Universal Studio Networks/13th Street Channel for the Shocking Shorts Award. "Tricky Fingers" was one of three finalists in 2003.
In mid-november I'll direct a shortfilm, which is part of a project that deals with the german constitution and its first 19 articles (www.gg19.de). Cast: Peter Jordan, Josef Ostendorf. Production company: movie members. The project is supported by the President of the German Parliament Wolfgang Thierse, the Minister of culture Christina Weisse, the President of the Goethe-Institute Prof. Jutta Limbach, Prof. Paul Kirchhof (former judge of the Federal Constitutional Court) and Dieter Kosslick (President of the Int. Filmfestival Berlin).
The italian TV-station RAI-Sat will give the first prize for the best movie of the "Next-Generation"-reel to "Kunstgriff" (Tricky Fingers) on 6th of April in Rome, Italy.