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Lecture "Screenplay & Dramaturgy" WiSe 2024/25
Macromedia, Berlin


"Löwenzahn" - episode "Bread" Ki.Ka at 19:25


Carreer as a movie-maker, scientist and lecturer (Selection)

January 2023 - todayProduction of e-learning tutorials for teachers for film and media lessons. Conception of a cooperation platform for schools and companies within the framework of the BMBF-funded project MERINA.
February 2020 - December 2022Production of regional innovation narratives (e.g. social media clips) within the framework of the joint project "Regionalisation 4.0", director and writer
November 2018Publication „Humor und erfolgreiche Kinderfilme - Strukturen und Relevanz eines filmischen Mittel“, (Humor and successful kid’s movies), Springer Verlag.
June/July 2018Documentary „Uckerei“ for the joint project Regionalization 4.0., director and screenplay writer.
June/July 2018Lecture on participatory and interactive storytelling, Filmuniversity
May 2018Introduction to the production conditions of the film and television industry in Germany, seminar, Filmuniversity Potsdam-Babelsberg
since April 2018Head of participatory and interactive storytelling for the joint project Regionalization 4.0, Filmuniversity Potsdam-Babelsberg
December 2017Lecture at the Script Academy of the Dekra University of Applied Science, Berlin: The movie 'The Race' - comparing the 1st draft of the screenplay with the shooting script
November 2017Lecture at the Script Academy of the Dekra University of Applied Science, Berlin: „Storytelling for kids - why?“
10. April 2017Succesfully defended my doctoral thesis "humor - structures of a cinematic medium in selected
highly popular German children's films" at the Filmuniversity Potsdam-Babelsberg. Published under A7490 by the library of the Filmuniversity.
November 2014 - July 2015Workshopleader for "Tell me your story - storytelling by visualizing - kids develop film stories in a playful way". In collaboration with the German Film Institute, Frankfurt/Main.
January 2015Publishing of the article: "Preferences of kids as a guide for definitions and age recommendations for kid's films" (German title: Kinder an die Macht! Bedürfnisse von Kindern als Maßstab der Definition und Altersempfehlung von Kinderfilmen).
since August 2014writer and optioned director for the int. TV-serial "Grimo & Wizzi", Penguin Films, Southafrica
since July 2014script doctor and optioned director for the feature film project "Super-Thieves", Ulysses Film
since January 2014script writer for the German kids-movie „Memory“. Funded by the Federal Film Board of Germany, FFA. Produced by Ostlicht GmbH, Erfurt.
since August 2013writer and director for the German kids serial Motzgurke TV, a production of TV-broadcaster Südwestrundfunk-SWR, Germany
July 2013“The Ghostriders” Part 1 + 2, kids novel, published by Baumhaus / Bastei Lübbe
2010-2013screenplay-writer for the succesfull ZDF serial "Löwenzahn"
November 2010

Elected to the board of FERA (European Federation for national associations of television and cinema directors)

February 2010

Re-election to the board of the directors' guild of Germany, BVR.

September-November 2008Directing THE RACE starring Colm Meaneay, Susan Lynch and Niamh McGirr in Ireland and UK.
April 2008

Becoming board member of the Directors Guild Of Germany, BVR

since May 2007Project development for the family entertainment film "The Race" (script by Rowan O' Neill). Funded by the NIS (Nortern Ireland Screen)
November 2006Writing of the screenplay "Duende" which then is funded by the Mediaboard Berlin-Brandeburg
October 2005

Founding of the filmproduction company Tucano Film in Berlin (

since January 2005

writer and dramaturge of several treatments and screenplays (cf. Projects)

November 2004

"Final Credits" (WT)
Format: HD, length: 9'
production company: movie members

February 2004diploma-film: "Examen" (german title)
Format: S16mm, length: 20'
October 2003documentary: "The Study of Law, its Risks and Side-Effects‘"
Format: DVCam, length: 27‘30‘‘
June 2003film in my second semester "Knockout" (Cast: Jana Schulz, Dominik Maringer) Format: S16mm, length: 13'30''
September 2002film in my first semester "Kunstgriff" (Cast: Ursula Buschhorn, Hans-Werner Meyer)
Format: 35mm, length: 5'56''
April 2002course of studies for the degree of movie-director at the University of Hamburg.
January 2002partnership in the production of "Sterne" (Stars) in the short film event "Lost High Tapes" in Berlin.
August-October 2001practical training period under the tutorial of Hans Schönherr for the TV-serial "Wahnsinnsweiber" (The Mad Women),Metropol Film-Company, Berlin.
July 2001director and scriptwriter of "Sterne‘" (Stars),
DoP: Tom Bergsteiner
Format 16mm, length: 17'
May 2001assistant director of the SFOF Final Film "Blitz" (Flash) by Martin Roth, directed by Ulrich Meczulat
March 2000production of the HDK (Academy of Arts) final film by Lindajana Hardjanegara "Perfect Strangers", Format: 16mm, length: 45'
since 1998work on the subject matter of the movie "Weekend" with Trajan Film Berlin. In its 5th version by now.
1997Director of Photography of the shortfilm "Morgen" (Tomorrow)


 Born in Berlin (Germany)
March 2018 - November 2019Acquisition of the university lecturer certificate, Brandenburg Study Quality Network (SQB)
September 2018Workshop “Problem-based Learning (PBL)”, Dr. Sabine Brendel, Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences
May 2018'OER and the „Flipped Classroom“ model', Marc Heinitz, European University Viadrina, Franfurt/O.
April 2018Workshop „LEGO Serious Play - an alternative approach for university teaching“, University of Applied Science Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Tobias Seidl
April 2018Workshop „Conflict moderation for higher education and consultation“, Filmuniversity Babelsberg, Dr. Birgit Hilliger
May 19, 2017Workshop „Research-based learning“, Potsdam Graduate School, Dr. Marcus Hildebrandt
since 2011PhD candidate at the Filmuniversity, Potsdam-Babelsberg
2010Professional seminar "Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking as an example for intellectual property issues" - Dr. Ralph Oliver Graef, medianetLAW
2007MEDIA Training workshop "Mini EAVE for German Producers"
2007MEDIA Training Programme "European Films Crossing Borders" - Claudia Landsberger (efp), Renate Roginas (PHARE), Cornelia Hammelmann (MEDIA), Jan Vandierendonck (Eurimages) et.alt., Berlin
2006Professional seminar "Budgeting and scheduling of int. feature film productions" - Udo Happel, Marcus Loges, Erich Pommer Institut, Potsdam
2006Professional seminar "Equity money for film productions" - Dr. Albert Kitzler, Erich Pommer Institut, Potsdam
2006Professional seminar "The Real Deal - The UK win some lose some" - James Hickey, Galway Film Fleadh, Ireland
2005Professional seminar "Universal stories - What is a universal story and how can german stories be universal?" - Phil Parker, Scripforum Berlin
2005Professional seminar "Copyright Protection for movies in the digital era" Prof. Castendyk et. alt., Erich Pommer Institut, Potsdam
2005Professional seminar "Networking - From Joint Projects to Joint Ventures" - Dr. Albert Kitzler, Raimund Franken, ProBabelsberg
2005Professional seminar "Contracts for nat. and int. Co-Productions" - Dr. Brehm, Erich Pommer Institut, Postdam
2002 - 2004studies directing at the Hamburg University (dean: Hark Bohm). Finishing with diploma summa cum laude.
 studies Spanish abroad in Spain and at the University of Costa Rica, San José
 degree in law at Humboldt University (dipl.jur.)

studies abroad, one semester at University von Athens (Greece)